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HCY Nucleic Acid Aerosol Cleaning Kit


Aerosol is a colloidal state dispersing system formed by solid and liquid tiny particles suspended in gas

medium, generally with a particle size of 1nm-1mm. suspended in gas medium, the nucleic acid polymer

also widely exists in the surface of laboratory table, instruments & consumables.

Nucleic acid aerosol is produced in conjunction with nucleic acid amplification (PCR, etc.). The friction

between air and liquid surface, centrifugation, violent shaking of the reaction tube, PCR cover opening,

repeated sampling of pipette, contaminant leakage and other ways will produce DNA aerosol.


PCR is frequently used in molecular laboratories, aerosol contamination of nucleic acid accumulates,

and increase the possibity of false positives. False positive means that the experiment is not credible.

whta is worse, aerosol contamination can cause the contamination of the whole PCR laboratory and

The lab will be forced to shut down as regulation.

Our Solution:

HCY Nucleic Acid Aerosol Cleaning Kit It can effectively degrade any form of DNA and RNA

(double-stranded, single-stranded, linear, circular, natural or denatured) into 3 to 8 base length

5 ‘-monophosphate oligonucleotide within 15 mins at room temperature. The nucleic acid adsorption

contaminants on the surface of pipette, PCR instrument, consumables, or laboratory tabletop willl be

enzymically digested. Does not cause any corrosion to laboratory equipment.

Nucleic acid aerosol contamination remover
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