iClean® Dried Blood Spot Collection Card
Preparation: Ensure that the collection card is intact and undamaged, free of moisture and pollution. Prepare disposable blood collection needles, medical alcohol swabs, band-aids and other auxiliary supplies.
Sample collection: Use alcohol swabs to disinfect the blood collection site, after the alcohol evaporates, use the blood collection needle to quickly pierce the skin, squeeze out the appropriate amount of blood, and drop the blood onto the designated area of the collection card. Usually, the size of each blood spot should be kept consistent, to avoid that the blood spot is too big or too small to affect the test results.
Drying the sample: Let the blood drop naturally on the collection card, after forming the blood spot, place it horizontally at room temperature to allow it to dry sufficiently. The drying time generally depends on the ambient temperature and humidity, and usually takes a few hours to a day or so to ensure that the blood spot is completely dry and to avoid blood flow or contamination during transportation.
Filling in information: Fill in the personal information of the collected person, such as name, gender, age, ID number, sampling date, etc. in the corresponding position of the collection card, so as to facilitate the identification and traceability of the sample.
Packaging and transportation: Put the dried collection card into a sealed bag with the completed information sheet and pack and transport it according to relevant requirements. During transportation, pay attention to avoid the collection card being squeezed, collided or damp.
Before collection: Ensure that the subject is in good physical condition and free from fever, infection and other symptoms. The collection process and precautions should be explained in detail to the subject before collection in order to obtain his/her cooperation. For children or special groups, the collection should be carried out in the company of guardians.
When collecting blood: strictly follow the operation procedures to avoid infection at the blood collection site. Control the amount of blood collected to ensure that the size and thickness of the blood spots meet the requirements. At the same time, care should be taken to avoid cross-contamination between different blood spots.
Post-collection: The sample should be dried as soon as possible after collection to avoid deterioration of the sample due to prolonged exposure to air. During the drying process, keep the collection card placed horizontally to prevent blood flow. The dried collection card should be stored properly to avoid moisture, heat or contamination by chemicals.
Transportation and storage: Transportation and storage should be carried out in accordance with the specified conditions, and if cold chain transportation is required, the integrity of the cold chain should be ensured. During storage, the collection card should be placed in a dry, cool and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature environment.