Biological Sample Collection Card, DNA Blood Collection Card Kit
Sample Collection Card Product Description:
Single sample collection, to avoid cross contamination between samples
One sample can be used for multiple repeat tests, which is convenient for re-inspection and review.
Sample information is recorded directly on the cover, avoiding mixing of dishes.
The inside of the collection card is protected against liquid seepage and contamination.
Blood collection card and sampling bag to be recorded on the natural information, including: the sampled person’s information: name, gender, date, etc.
Test Principle
Cotton fibre matrix contains special chemicals that automatically cleave cells when captured and bind to nucleic acids to maintain the integrity of the DNA in the sample, protect nucleic acids from degradation and damage by nucleases, oxidants and UV rays, and also prevent the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms.
Main Components
Consists of an information card and collection filter paper.
Storage Requirements
Biological sample collection cards should be protected from sunlight, heat and UV light.
Avoid fumigation with formalin or other organic solvents, as well as liquid contamination, human DNA contamination.
Relative humidity: 30%~50
How to use the blood collection card:
Remove the alcohol swab to sterilise the blood collection site.
Puncture the blood collection site with the blood collection needle and directly use the biological sample collection card to drip the terminal blood into the circle or grid.
When blood collection is complete, stop the bleeding with a haemostatic cotton pad.
Field or cadaver blood can be flattened onto the biospecimen collection card with the needle, or the blood can be evenly applied to the biospecimen collection card with a cotton swab.
After sampling, the sample is dried naturally in the shade and left to dry completely before collection and storage.
Note: Do not apply too much force or excessive amount of blood to avoid a large amount of blood dripping directly onto the biological sample collection card, which may lead to uneven distribution or spillage.
How to use the saliva collection card
Tear open the outer package and take out the cotton swab;
Hold the sponge tip of the swab in the mouth for 3-5 seconds to allow it to fully absorb the saliva;
Press the cotton swab inside the ring or compartment of the biological sample collection card, so that the inner ring of the biological sample buy collection card can be wet;
After sampling, the sample is dried naturally in the shade and left to dry completely before collection and storage.