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The usage methods of sample swabs

The usage methods of sample swabs vary depending on the collection site and the purpose of the test. Here are some common usage methods

Respiratory sample collection

  • Nasopharyngeal swab
    • Preparatory work: Check whether the swab packaging is intact and ensure that the swab is within the validity period. Ask the person being tested to sit or lie down with the head slightly tilted back to keep the airway unobstructed.
    • Sampling process: The sampler holds the swab handle with one hand and gently inserts the swab into one nostril, slowly penetrating along the nasal cavity wall. The depth is generally the distance from the tip of the nose to the earlobe. When resistance is felt, stop. Rotate the swab in the nasopharynx 3 to 5 times, pause for 15 to 30 seconds to fully collect the sample. Then slowly withdraw the swab and place it in the sampling tube containing the preservation solution.
  • Oropharyngeal swab
    • Preparation steps: Also check the swab and sampling tube and other items first. Ask the person being tested to tilt the head back and open the mouth wide to make a “ah” sound to expose the throat area.
    • Sampling operation: The sampler passes the swab over the root of the tongue and rubs back and forth on the tonsils on both sides of the person being tested and the posterior pharyngeal wall at least 3 times, then pauses in the throat area, and also rotates the swab 3 to 5 times. Finally, remove the swab and place it in the sampling tube.

Oral sample collection

  • Oral mucosal swab
    • Preparatory stage: Ensure that the person being tested has clean oral cavity and no food residue, etc. Take out the swab, generally choose a soft head to reduce the irritation to the oral mucosa.
    • Collection method: Gently wipe the inner cheek mucosa, gum edge and other parts in the oral cavity with the swab. Appropriate pressure can be applied during wiping, but excessive force to avoid bleeding should be avoided. Wipe each part several times and then place the swab in the sampling tube.

Genital tract sample collection

  • Vaginal swab
    • Preparatory matters: Inform the person being tested about the sampling process and let them relax. Prepare sterile vaginal swabs and sampling tubes, and the sampler wears protective equipment such as gloves.
    • Sampling method: The person being tested adopts an appropriate position, such as the lithotomy position. The sampler slowly inserts the swab into the vagina and rotates and wipes on the vaginal wall to collect vaginal secretions, and then takes out the swab and places it in the sampling tube. For some special tests, such as HPV detection for cervical cancer screening, samples may need to be collected at the cervical os. At this time, more careful operation is required, gently insert the swab into the cervical os, rotate and wipe and then take it out.
  • Urethral swab
    • Preparatory work before operation: Generally applicable to male urethral sample collection. Explain the operation process to the person being tested and let them relax. Prepare sterile urethral swabs and sampling tubes, etc.
    • Sampling process: The person being tested stands or lies down, gently lifts the glans penis, and the sampler uses a sterile cotton ball to clean the urethral opening. Then gently insert the swab into the urethra for 2 to 4 centimeters, rotate and wipe several times and take it out and place it in the sampling tube.

Skin sample collection

  • Wound swab
    • Preparatory work: First disinfect the surrounding skin of the wound and use a sterile sample swab.
    • Sampling operation: Gently dip the swab into the secretion or exudate on the surface of the wound. If the wound is deep, it can be gently extended into the wound interior, but care should be taken to avoid damaging the surrounding tissue. After collecting enough samples, place the swab in the sampling tube.
  • Skin surface swab
    • Preparatory stage: Determine the skin area to be collected and ensure that the skin surface is clean. Take out the swab and prepare the sampling tube.
    • Collection method: Gently wipe the skin surface with the swab, such as in the acne area or the skin lesion area, and wipe in a certain order to ensure that the entire lesion area is covered, and then place the swab in the sampling tube.

When using sample swabs, strict sterile operation principles must be followed to ensure that the collected samples are not contaminated to ensure the accuracy of the test results. At the same time, gentle movements should be used during the operation to minimize the discomfort of the person being tested.

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