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Applications and Functions of Cell Preservation Solutions in Biobanks

With advances in life sciences and medical research, biobanks have become a core resource in modern medicine, storing large quantities of cellular, tissue, and DNA samples to provide valuable support for researchers. In biobanks, the role of cell preservation solutions is particularly important, as they ensure that samples remain stable and usable over long periods.

Cell Preservation in Biobanks

Biobanks collect and store cell samples from different individuals, which can be used for future research, disease monitoring, or treatment. Samples include blood cells, tumor cells, stem cells, and skin cells. To ensure these cells maintain their viability and genomic stability over months or even years, cell preservation solutions are essential.

  1. Preservation of Blood Cells
    Blood samples are common storage objects in biobanks. Preserving these blood cells requires specific cell preservation solutions to prevent damage to red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Especially in the study of chronic diseases or genetic testing, the role of preservation solutions ensures that blood cells maintain their morphology and function during storage.
  2. Preservation of Tumor Cells
    Cancer research is a focal area in modern medicine, and the large quantities of tumor cell samples stored in biobanks provide a foundation for cancer studies. Tumor cells require special care during preservation due to their unstable genomes and metabolic states. With the protection of cell preservation solutions, researchers can still obtain tumor cells suitable for genomic research or drug testing even after many years.
  3. Preservation of Stem Cells
    Stem cell samples are among the most valuable resources in biobanks. Due to their potential to differentiate into various cell types, they are widely applied in regenerative medicine and gene therapy. Cell preservation solutions effectively prevent stem cell apoptosis during the freezing process, ensuring that stem cells’ differentiation capabilities remain intact after long-term storage.

Functions of Cell Preservation Solutions

  1. Extending Cell Storage Life
    The cryoprotectants and stabilizing agents in cell preservation solutions protect cells from damage during low-temperature storage. These components can minimize ice crystal formation, maintain cell membrane integrity, and preserve metabolic function, preventing cell death or degeneration due to prolonged storage.
  2. Ensuring Genomic Stability
    In medical research, maintaining the genomic stability of cells is crucial. Cell preservation solutions not only protect cell membranes and proteins from damage but also inhibit the activity of DNA degrading enzymes, preventing the degradation of DNA and RNA within samples, thus providing a reliable basis for subsequent genetic analysis.
  3. Facilitating Sample Reuse
    Since cell preservation solutions ensure that cells remain viable and functional after long-term storage, samples can be reused multiple times. Researchers can perform experiments at various time points using the same sample, greatly enhancing sample utilization efficiency.


  1. Selection of Preservation Solutions
    Different types of cells have varying requirements for preservation solutions, so it is essential to choose the appropriate solution based on cell characteristics. For instance, hematopoietic stem cells typically require high concentrations of DMSO, while tumor cells may be more suited for low-toxicity preservation solutions. Before preservation, researchers should fully understand the tolerance and storage needs of the target cells.
  2. Control of Freezing and Thawing Rates
    Proper freezing and thawing rates are crucial for cell preservation. During freezing, cells should be cooled slowly to avoid rapid ice crystal formation. In contrast, during thawing, rapid warming should occur to reduce the risk of cell damage due to melting ice crystals.
  3. Regular Quality Checks of Stored Samples
    While cell preservation solutions can effectively extend cell storage time, regular quality checks on samples are necessary to ensure their viability and genomic integrity. This is especially important when samples are intended for clinical use or large-scale research, as the effectiveness and safety of preserved samples are critical.

In summary, cell preservation solutions play an indispensable role in the management and research of biobanks. By utilizing preservation solutions scientifically and rationally, biobanks can provide reliable cellular resources for future medical research, paving the way for new directions in disease diagnosis and treatment。

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