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Detailed procedure for saliva collection

Saliva collection is a relatively simple operation, but certain steps need to be followed to ensure the accuracy of the collection and the quality of the sample.
First, before saliva collection, you need to do a good job of preparation. Ensure that the collector’s hands are clean and wear gloves and other protective equipment. At the same time, prepare the saliva collection kit and check that the swabs, tubes and other components are complete and undamaged.
Next, the subject needs to remain relaxed, either in a comfortable sitting or standing position. The collector will explain the collection process and precautions to the subject to reduce his/her tension.
Then, the collection will officially begin. The collector will remove a NylonSamplingSwab, which usually has good adsorption properties and is flexible. The swab is gently inserted into the subject’s mouth, allowing the subject to accumulate as much saliva as possible in the mouth.
The collector waits patiently and avoids prodding or interfering while the subject secretes saliva. After the saliva has sufficiently accumulated, the collector will guide the subject to use the swab to stir appropriately in the mouth in order to fully adsorb the various components in the saliva.
The stirring process should be gentle to avoid damaging the oral mucosa with too much force. It is usually necessary to rotate the swab several times inside the mouth to ensure that the swab fully absorbs the saliva.

After completing the adsorption, the collector carefully removes the swab from the mouth, taking care not to touch other objects to prevent contamination of the sample. Place the swab with saliva into the collection tube and ensure that the head of the swab is completely submerged in the preservation solution.
Finally, seal the collection tube well, mark it, and record relevant information about the collection, such as the name of the person being collected and the time of collection. After the collection is completed, the collection tube is properly disposed of according to the prescribed preservation and transportation requirements for subsequent testing and analysis.
It should be noted that in the whole collection process, the principle of aseptic operation should be strictly adhered to, so as to avoid saliva being contaminated by the outside world. At the same time, the time and method of collection should be reasonably adjusted according to the specific collection requirements and purposes to ensure that high-quality saliva samples are obtained.

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