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Correct use of Huachenyang nasopharyngeal swab

Correct use of Huachenyang nasopharyngeal swab

Nasopharyngeal swabs are made of special plastic or metal with a long and flexible long handle. The top is make of polyester fiber, rayon and mold nylon.

Sampling of nasopharyngeal swabs is a very common clinical task, which did not appear after the outbreak. Nasopharyngeal swab sampling can be use to assess whether there are respiratory viruses or bacterial infections in adults and children, and is of great significance for the diagnosis of respiratory infections. There are also many influencing factors in the sampling process. If the operation is improper, it will directly affect the inspection results and even lead to misdiagnosis.


When sampling a nasopharyngeal swab, the direction of the swab should be parallel to the upper palate, and the tip of the swab should face the direction of the earlobe, not the top of the head. If the swab encounters resistance when passing through the nasal passage, you need to back the swab and try Change the angle and re-enter.

1. The subject’s head is tilted back (approximately 70°) and stays still.

2. Use a swab to estimate the distance between the root of the ear and the nostril.

3. Insert from the nostril straight to the face, and the deepening interval should be at least half the length of the earlobe to the tip of the nose. After encountering resistance, you should reach the nasopharynx, stay for a few seconds to take secretions (generally 15~30s), and rotate the swab 3~5 times.

4. Rotate gently to take out the swab, and put the swab head into the sampling tube containing the virus preservation solution or the cell preservation solution containing RNase inhibitor.

5. Break off the sterile swab rod at the top, discard the tail, screw the cap of the tube tightly and close it with a parafilm.


1. Please do not take antibiotics a few days before the nasal swab.

2. Do not rinse your mouth with disinfectant or smear the local lesion a few hours before the nasal swab.

3. You can’t eat, smoke, or drink a few hours before the nasal swab.

Correct use of Huachenyang nasopharyngeal swab

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